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October 30, 2023

Ranking Member Thompson Statement on President Biden’s Executive Order on AI

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on President Biden signing a landmark Executive Order on artificial intelligence (AI):

Rapid advances in AI technology create novel risks and opportunities for our homeland security. I applaud President Biden’s leadership in issuing this new executive order that seeks to harness the great potential in AI for detecting cyberattacks, illicit drugs, and other threats to our security, while ensuring the responsible development of AI systems. I look forward to the Department of Homeland Security’s work under the executive order to assess the risks AI poses to critical infrastructure, develop recommendations on safe and secure AI deployment, and conduct testing on how to better utilize AI to protect our Federal agencies from cyber intrusions.

“President Biden has demonstrated a commitment to making the protection of civil rights and privacy a central aspect of his AI policy, and I will continue to work with the Administration and my colleagues in Congress to protect Americans from discriminatory or malicious uses of AI systems.”

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